Zuckerberg seems to recognize that Facebook is a media company, but not a traditional one.

Sina Technology, Beijing time on December 22 morning news, Facebook is a media company or technology company? For months, despite Facebook's increasingly important role in the process of people choosing news, the company's CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) has always insisted on the latter. However, he adjusted his stance slightly this Wednesday.

Facebook is not a traditional media company or a traditional technology company, he said. There's a big difference between the two: Wall Street tends to value tech companies much higher than pure media companies.

Zuckerberg made the comments during a Facebook Live event with Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, where they looked back at 2016 together, while also looking ahead to 2017.

"Facebook is a new platform." Zuckerberg said, "It's not a traditional technology company, it's not a traditional media company. You know, we're in charge of developing the technology, and we have a responsibility for how it's used. We don't write the news that people see on the platform, but at the same time, we know that our responsibility is not limited to spreading the news, and that we are an important part of the public discourse."

This statement is quite different from the past. Zuckerberg told university students in Italy this past August, "We're a tech company, not a media company. Media companies have people producing content, we don't edit content, that's not what we do. We're a tech company that develops tools, but we don't produce any content."

Facebook is also trying to move away from its role as a news provider as the fake news story grows stronger. About half of U.S. adults say they get their news through Facebook. Fake news has made it difficult for the public to recognize the status quo, and a survey by the Pew Research Center shows that about a quarter of Americans say they have shared fake news.

In fact, during the U.S. election, fake news like "Pope endorses Trump" has become the hottest news on Facebook.

Facebook said last week that the company will fight fake news through a series of attempts. They want to streamline the process of reporting fake news by having fact-checking organizations flag it. The company will also take back the share of revenue that spammers receive and also look more closely at other relevant signals.

"Looking back on 2016, I'm proud that our employees took this so seriously." Zuckerberg said in reference to fake news.

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