What are the components of LED display?

  We all know that life can not live without the presence of light, the same LED display is also indispensable to a major product, the LED display more thorough understanding of the people are more aware of.LED displayIt is divided into outdoor and indoor displays. Along with the continuous development of electronic technology LED display is also sought after by many people, so the use of LED display is also quite a lot of people. So what are the components of the LED display? The following is the introduction of the editorial of Vishay.


  The components of the LED display are as follows:

 1. OP:It is generally a computer, which is a source of information distribution, and is generally connected to a certain database, accessing the information in the database and communicating with the main control circuit according to certain transmission protocols and methods.

 2. Communication transmission lines:RS232, RS422, and Ethernet can be used as a means of signal transmission. Fiber optic transmission can also be used, but the high cost currently limits the widespread use of its technology.

 3. Display module board:A terminal for information display, mainly composed of a light-emitting display module, a selector circuit for row control, and a serial-parallel shift circuit for column control.

 4. Master control circuit:The core of the whole system, it mainly accomplishes the following functions:

  ①Through the interface module, it is responsible for receiving the display information from the host computer in real time and placing it in the data storage unit with power-down preservation.

  ②The CPU processor is responsible for taking data from the data storage unit, realizing certain special effects after image geometry operations, and then placing the displayed data in the display buffer for display.

  ③Through the scanning control circuit, it reads data from the display buffer, converts it to the data required by the LED screen and generates the related timing control signals.

  The above about the components of LED display is shared for you, LED display is usually used for commercial advertising and information dissemination, such as outdoor in-store signs, new broadcasts in exhibition centers and shopping mall billboards. In recent years, it is also widely used for traffic guidance such as highway, rail transit, TGV, and as destination signs in airports or terminals.

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