What is the reason for frequent tripping of LED display? How to solve?

  With the development of the times, the traditional media forms of advertising and information dissemination can no longer meet people's needs. Walking in the city streets, large and small LED display ads can illustrate this point. In fact, not only the advertising industry, LED display screen is also used in sports venues to play the event, timing and scoring, some stage plays, such as the choreography background effect. But in the process of using LED display, sometimes there will be frequent tripping, what is the cause of this? How to solve? The following Vishay editorial will be introduced to you.


  1. In the maintenance scale does not constitute a useful secondary or tertiary leakage maintenance

  Switch box in the final leakage maintainer is the main maintenance of electrical equipment, if the final leakage maintainer is not installed, damaged or improper selection, it may lead to the upper leakage maintainer appears to trip frequently. Because the LED display many metal conductors, wire connectors, if the wire insulation is not very good, it will lead to often leakage; some also added some sockets, in many cases are not installed leakage maintainer, often resulting in leakage. As long as each maintenance scale constitutes a useful secondary or tertiary leakage maintenance mode, you can effectively reduce the leakage maintainer tripping frequency.

 2, leakage maintainer itself has certain limitations

  (1) the current leakage maintainer, whether electromagnetic or electronic type are selected magnetic induction voltage transformer to pick up the leakage current in the main circuit of the power equipment, three-phase or three-phase four-wire in the magnetic ring can not be completely placed in the equalization of the three-phase LED display load can not be completely balanced, in the strong current or high overvoltage, there will be a very high permeability of the magnetic ring induces a certain electromotive force, this electric potential is large enough to a certain extent, it will lead to the tripping of the leakage maintainer. This electric potential is large to a certain extent, will lead to leakage maintainer trip. Because the larger the extra current leakage maintainer selection of relatively large magnetic ring of the leakage flux is relatively large, and the leakage current to overcome the magnetization force of the magnetic ring itself, so the actual use of the leakage maintainer the larger the extra current, the lower the sensitivity will be, the greater the rejection rate.

  (2) leakage maintainer in the extra leakage action current and extra leakage does not action current between a period of action uncertainty area, leakage maintainer leakage current in this area when the fluctuation, will also lead to leakage maintainer irregular tripping.

 3, leakage maintainer layout is unreasonable

  Due to the special characteristics of the LED display installation site, such as wiring errors, switch box leakage maintainer damage, line damage, part of the electrical appliances did not pass through the switch box and a series of reasons, coupled with the leakage maintainer itself inevitably misbehaved and refused to move, plus not in accordance with the actual power conditions of the leakage maintainer placement, resulting in the total leakage maintainer frequently tripped the case.

  In addition to the need to strengthen the management of this situation, but also from a technical point of view, in accordance with the actual situation of the leakage maintainer for reasonable placement. Leakage maintainer on the main power supply, mainly to avoid electrical fire hazards and electrical short circuit of the total maintenance, but also each small leakage maintenance scale of the backup maintenance, its extra leakage action current can be selected between 200 ~ 500mA, extra leakage action time can be selected 0.2 ~ 0.3 s. This can be a great reduction in the surge voltage, inrush current, electromagnetic interference on the total leakage maintainer. Influence. If each leakage maintenance scale of the secondary leakage maintainer is in working condition, it can greatly reduce the total leakage maintainer tripping rate.

 4, leakage maintainer selection unreasonable

  (1) The switch box using additional leakage action current exceeds 30mA or exceeds the additional current of the power-using equipment more than twice the leakage maintainer, or the use of a leakage maintainer with a delay type, because of the progress of the additional leakage action current or the maintenance of the decline in the sensitivity of the leakage is found to leakage after the end of the leakage maintainer is still not acted upon.

  (2) to the LED display energized when the start-up current is often large, high current may make the leakage maintainer tripping phenomenon. So as far as possible in batches to display the box on the power. And generally should be used on the surge overvoltage, overcurrent less sensitive electromagnetic leakage maintainer; or choose than the extra current 1.5 ~ 2 times the electronic leakage maintainer, the last leakage maintenance extra leakage action current should not be greater than 30mA.

  Leakage maintainer frequent tripping is the result of a combination of factors, mainly the need for reasonable placement of leakage maintainer, reduce the two, three leakage maintainer maintenance scale, the correct selection of leakage maintainer and wiring, so that the two or three leakage maintainer in each scale is in a useful maintenance situation; on the other hand, is to strengthen the management of electricity to improve the quality of electricity personnel, put an end to the non-electrician wiring, so that you can not only protect the safety of electricity, but also cut reduce the frequent tripping situation to the normal operation of the LED display to create power supply conditions. Safeguard the safety of electricity, but also reduce the frequent tripping, to the normal operation of the LED display to create better power supply conditions.

  The above about LED display frequent tripping causes and solutions for you to share here, VisiTechLED displayWidely used in outdoor advertising media, cultural and entertainment activities, sports venues, from design, production, installation to maintenance, the use of a full range of integrated solutions to effectively reduce the overall cost of customers, thereby creating higher value for customers.

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