How to ensure the safe use of LED rental screen?

  LED rental screen, as the name suggests is a mainly in the form of rental LED rental screen, it can be widely used in stage rental, singing and dancing activities party, a variety of conferences, exhibitions, stadiums, theaters, auditoriums, lecture halls, multi-purpose halls, conference rooms, interpretation of the hall, nightclubs, high-grade entertainment disco, TV Spring Festival Gala, provinces and cities, important cultural activities and other places. However, a good stage performance, in addition to good actors, good equipment, but also to ensure the safe use of LED rental screen. After all, the use of the rental stage screen is not only about the effect of the stage performance, but also about the personal safety of the performers. So how do we ensureLED rental screenThe safe use of it? The following VisiTech editorial is for you:


  To ensure the safe use of LED rental screens, the following should be done:

  1, the installation of LED rental screen technical requirements to meet the standard.

  Because the LED rental screen is a kind of LED dot matrix equipment, in order to display the effect, can not be used in the display surface support type of reinforcement measures, so the construction or the use of the process of slight negligence, may trigger the LED rental screen tilt, collapse of the safety accidents, performing arts activities are often reported in such accidents. Open-air activities also often due to bad weather can also lead to display accidents, where in the installation and construction of rental LED rental screen technology can not be sloppy.

  2, LED rental screen safety gatekeeper must do a good job.

  LED rental screen first to ensure that the design program is safe and feasible, after the review of the appropriate professional qualification institutions recognized, after the construction of their installation lies in the construction of this piece of security, electricity to be safe, grounding technical safety, lightning, to ensure that the temperature inside the screen to maintain a normal constant temperature, unreasonable heat dissipation methods can easily result in the screen due to the temperature rise caused by the internal safety hazards.

  3, build LED rental screen to ensure the stability of the steel structure.

  In the construction of LED rental screen, should choose in line with the engineering safety norms of the regular construction team, and to ensure that the steel frame structure is reasonable. The construction team should avoid the impact on the steel frame structure due to wind and other external factors when carrying out the construction work. In order to ensure the safety of stacking and lifting, LED rental screen renters must strictly comply with the provisions of the maximum number of layers of stacking and lifting, do not exceed the limits and the formation of safety hazards.

  4, to choose the formal reputation of good LED rental screen company.

  LED rental screen must choose like Vishay Technology, such as the formal reputation of the old rental LED rental screen company, this company provides the quality of equipment is often more guaranteed, and they will also regularly update the testing and maintenance of equipment, successful cases of more experience, the effect of the performance is more able to provide professional services.

  In summary, is to ensure the safe use of LED rental screen, should do some aspects, so that we can to a certain extent, more effective to ensure the safe use of LED rental screen, to avoid the occurrence of safety accidents.

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