What should I pay attention to when choosing a stage LED rental screen?

  Nowadays, in the environment of economic development, all kinds of film and television entertainment, cultural performances, stage plays, concerts, etc., these activities on the LED rental screen demand is increasing day by day. Stage LED rental screen is the background of the stage, can provide a rich performance stage background, the realistic picture and shocking music effect is well combined to create a magnificent and very modern sense of the spectacular scene; and can also play a large, clear live game screen, can let a person have an immersive feeling, subvert the traditional visual experience. So you know the choice of stageLED rental screenWhat to pay attention to? The following VisiTech editorial is for you:


  Choose the stage LED rental screen to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1, pay attention to the choice of auxiliary LED rental screen other screen

  General stage LED rental screen consists of the main screen, auxiliary screen, extended screen. Different screens have different roles and choices. The main screen is used for color playback, out of the effect with. Generally choose a small pitch display, the screen will be more high-definition. Auxiliary screen for creativity, you can choose some styles of display, such as, flexible LED screen, cylindrical LED screen. Expand the screen, is to take care of the back of the audience, so that they can see the stage, so the diffusion of the screen should be selected larger.

  2, choose the right LED rental screen control system

  The control system affects the texture and smoothness of the picture. Usually the LED rental screen of the stage has a large area and high pixels, which sometimes need to be controlled by multiple controllers. Therefore, it is also critical to choose a good control system.

  3, pay attention to the convenience of LED rental screen

  The special nature of the stage LED rental screen, in the choice should also consider its a convenient degree. Try to choose light weight, easy to install and dismantle, easy to transport, applicable to many occasions.

  In summary, is to choose the stage LED rental screen to pay attention to some aspects. When we choose the stage LED rental screen, as long as we pay attention to these aspects, we can make the stage LED rental screen to present a better stage effect, so that the scene on the stage smoothly displayed in front of the audience.

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