What is the future direction of the LED rental screen market?

  Nowadays, the LED rental screen market is in a stage of rapid development, the development scale of each leasing enterprise, product features, product pricing are different, in order to get a piece of the fierce market, you need to grasp the development trend of LED rental screen, research and development of "hard goods" products, good service to every customer. ThenLEDrental screenWhat is the future direction of the market? The following Vishay Technology editorial will be introduced to you.


  The future direction of the LED rental screen market:

  1, to the development of small pitch display:

  In the past two years, from the customer's requirements for the quality of the display, LED rental screen point pitch the more precise the more popular, the future will inevitably replace the 4K display effect, the corresponding product price will come down.

  2. Develop to more application areas:

  Nowadays, rental display is mainly used in different outdoor places such as stadiums, parks, banks, securities, stages, bars, shopping malls, stations, telecommunications, monitoring, schools, restaurants, etc. In the future, it will be used in a wider range of applications, such as smart factories and smart city areas.

  3, to the development of ultra-thin and light display:

  LED rental screen general box are several hundred pounds, the thickness of some 10cm, these are obviously not conducive to transportation and installation, affecting the market promotion. Accompanied by the maturity of the display technology, LED rentallease (money)The screen will be upgraded in terms of material, structure, and installation, and thinner, lighter, and more high-definition displays will be developed.

  4. Towards patent protection:

  Due to fierce competition in the leasing market, in order to grab market orders, expand the scale, low-priced leasing, many companies are reluctant to spend money and energy invested in research and development, there are a number of display technology plagiarism events, in order to maintain the competitive advantage of technology, patent protection will become the future development trend.

  5. Move towards standardization:

  Due to the large and small LED rental screen manufacturers into hundreds of product quality, price, design, structure, there is no uniform standard, more confusing, some companies are bent on low-priced sales, some companies are copying the design, so that the customer and the manufacturer are annoyed, the future of the product will be developed to standardization.

  In summary, is the future direction of the LED rental screen market, LED rental screen is widely used in stage rental, dance activities, various conferences, exhibitions, stadiums, theaters, auditoriums, lecture halls, multi-functional halls, conference rooms, interpretation of the hall, disco, nightclubs, high-grade entertainment disco, TV station Spring Festival Festival Gala, provinces and cities, such as important cultural activities.

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