What is the production method of steel frame for indoor LED display?

  At present, in many companies, schools and other places, are widely used indoor LED display screen, it has the characteristics of flexibility and versatility, it can arbitrarily display different content according to the situation, timely and accurate dissemination of the required content, can make people's impression become more intuitive. The use of indoor LED display, often need to be used with the steel frame. So do you knowIndoor LED DisplayIs the steel frame production method is how? The following Vishay technology editorial for you:


  Indoor LED display steel frame production method:

  1、Calculate the appropriate length and width

  The normal use of indoor LED display, the production of steel frame can not be missing, before the production, you need to calculate the length and width of the display, and then the length and width of the steel frame needs to be matched with the length and width of the display, so that it can be used normally.

 2、Prepare the right amount

  Because the production of steel frame is still relatively troublesome, so that a lot of people concerned about the production method of indoor LED display steel frame, in the production of steel frame before the number of steel frame must be determined, this is very important, normally, the number of how much, will feel the stability of the steel frame and hardness, so the number of can not be arbitrarily decided.

  3. Understanding of production steps

  Indoor LED display steel frame production method is in fact the main number of steel frame and the design of the length and width, after that is to start making, in order to ensure the smooth production, the need for welding technology for people to operate only, only then can ensure that the steel frame of the high-quality appearance, as well as a stable structural design, this is very important.

  In summary, is the indoor LED display steel frame production method. Indoor LED display steel frame production method is relatively simple, the length and width, the number of calculated, the appropriate splicing can be, or more convenient. led indoor display is also used very often, so in order to ensure that the display can be used normally, but also in order to ensure that the use of the safety of the production of steel frame can not be ignored.

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