How to prevent static electricity for LED roll-up screen in dry season?

  At present, with the continuous expansion of the LED display market, the application of LED roller shutter screen has become more and more widespread. However, when we use the LED roller shutter screen, especially in the dry season, it is very easy to cause static electricity. This is mainly because the LED roller shutter screen in the actual production process is mainly the human body and the relevant missing direct and indirect contact, so generate static electricity, therefore, in order to avoid a series of effects caused by static electricity on the LED roller shutter screen, to do some targeted preventive measures against static electricity is very necessary. Then you know the dry season.LED roll-up screenHow to prevent static electricity? The following Vishay technology editorial for you:


  The dry season, the LED roll-up screen anti-static method:

  I. Prevention of static electricity at the production end

  1, the use of electrostatic sensitive circuit personnel to carry out electrostatic knowledge and related technology training.

  2, in the LED roll-up screen production process, workers are required to wear grounded electrostatic bracelets. Especially in the cut foot, plug-in, debugging and after welding process, and do a good job of monitoring, quality personnel must be at least every two hours to do a hand ring static electricity test, make a good test record.

  3, in the welding, the soldering iron should be used as far as possible anti-static low-voltage thermostatic soldering iron, and maintain a good grounding.

  4, in the process of assembling the LED roller shutter screen, as far as possible to use a low voltage DC electric screwdriver (commonly known as electric batch) with a grounding wire.

  5, to ensure that the production of pulling table, glue filling table, aging frame and other effective grounding.

  6, the production environment is required to do laying copper wire grounding, such as floors, walls, as well as some occasions to use the ceiling, etc., should use anti-static materials. Usually, even ordinary plasterboard and lime paint walls can be, but prohibit the use of plastic products ceiling and ordinary wallpaper or plastic wallpaper.

  7, In daily operation, LED roll-up screen products should always be stored in an anti-static bag or container.

  II. Prevention of static electricity at the transportation end

  1. When transporting, keep delivery vehicles grounded and boxes or other equipment with conductive wheels or drag zippers.

  2, when contacting the LED roll-up screen products, keep the correct holding method, do not directly touch the PCB board and the electronic components on it.

  Third, the client static electricity prevention

  1, customers and engineers in the installation of LED roller shutter screen screen, also need to strictly in accordance with the anti-static operation, in the absence of protective measures do not have direct access to the core electronic components of the product part.

  2, in the installation of the LED roller shutter screen screen steel structure to do a good job of effective grounding, the screen static electricity into the ground.

  In summary, is the dry season, LED roller shutter screen anti-static method, we through the production side, the transportation side and the client side of the electrostatic prevention, can be to a certain extent very good to prevent the LED roller shutter screen appeared static electricity, so as to be more conducive to the smooth progress of the work.

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