What other requirements do LED rental screens need to meet?

  Nowadays, with the rapid development of China's cultural, entertainment and sports industries, the LED rental screen market has also been widely used, making the demand for LED rental screens has also seen tremendous growth. However, we are in the process of manufacturing LED rental screen, also need to meet some of the other requirements in order to better meet the needs of users. So you knowLED rental screenWhat other requirements need to be met? The following is a small introduction from VisiTech:


  LED rental screens need to meet the following other requirements:

  1、Low noise

  Some occasions, museums, concerts, etc. on the LED display noise requirements, the need to use low-noise fan or no fan and low-noise power supply, sometimes in order to achieve this effect, the power supply part of the higher requirements.

  2、Support stacking and lifting

  LED rental screen usually supports both stacking and lifting, and there are supporting quick installation accessories, in order to ensure the safety of stacking and lifting, LED rental screen on the stacking and lifting of the maximum number of layers has a clear limit.

  3、Light weight modularized distribution box

  LED rental screens usually use lightweight distribution boxes that don't need to be complicated; what's needed is reliability and ease of maintenance.

 4, long life of the connector, plugging and unplugging a number of times

  Rental products are installed many times, use connectors that are plugged and unplugged many times.

  In summary, is the LED rental screen need to meet some other requirements. LED rental screen as long as these other requirements, can make the product can be more in line with the user's needs, so as to provide people with a new visual experience as well as convenient, portable use of the operation.

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