What are the advantages of using mobile splicing LED display for advertising?

  At present, mobile splicing LED display has become one of the main forms of advertising in major cities, especially for small rental occasions, small and medium-sized conferences and exhibitions, showgrounds, shopping malls electronic advertising displays, airports electronic advertising displays, super retail electronic advertising displays and so on. Mobile splicing LED display is often very targeted to attract attention, is an important part of the layout of modern urban construction. So do you know how to useMobile splicing LED displayAre there any advantages of advertising? The following Vishay Technology editorial is for you:


  The advantages of using mobile splicing LED display for advertising are as follows:

  1. High coverage

  Mobile splicing LED displays are usually installed in high-end commercial areas and crowded transportation hubs. Mobile splicing LED displays stimulate consumers' purchasing desire through high-frequency communication with them.

  2. Beautify the city

  The use of mobile splicing LED display to release some government information and city propaganda film, can be very good to beautify the image of the city, but also can improve the city's grade and taste, mobile splicing LED display is also very wide range of applications, such as stadiums, exhibition centers, public transport hubs, etc., led display has indirectly reflected a city's economic, cultural and social life.

  3. Strong visual impact

  Mobile splicing LED display screen has the characteristics of large size, dynamic and acoustic integration, which can touch the audience's senses in all aspects, effectively convey information and guide consumption. Nowadays, there are more and more advertisements, due to the limited memory and unlimited information dissemination, which makes the mobile splicing LED display become a kind of scarce resources.

  4. Lower rate of audience revulsion

  Mobile splicing LED display can broadcast programs to more audiences in a real and timely manner. Including topics, columns, animation, advertising, variety, drama and so on, rich in content, to avoid the advertising audience conscious active avoidance, produce contact barrier. The survey shows that the aversion rate of mobile splicing LED display advertisement is much lower than the broadcast rate of TV advertisement.

  In summary, we can see that the use of mobile splicing LED display for advertising has the advantages of high coverage, beautification of the city, strong visual impact, and low audience reaction rate. Mobile splicing LED display and city beautification, store layout, street links complement each other, is a landscape of the modern city.

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