What are the advantages of outdoor advertising displays over ordinary media?

  In the past, we walked on the street to see the ordinary outdoor advertising media mode (such as single column advertising, light box advertising, bridge advertising, three-sided flip advertising, etc.) has long ceased to meet the user's needs, with the development of society and the continuous progress of science and technology, in this era of outdoor advertising more and more demanding, more use of outdoor advertising displays to place ads. Then you knowOutdoor Advertising DisplayWhat are the advantages over ordinary media? The following Vishay Technology editorial for you to introduce:


  Outdoor advertising displays have the following advantages over ordinary media:

  1. Various forms of advertising performance

  A lot of shopping malls, high-rise buildings use outdoor advertising display screen for advertising, highway display screen, most of them are installed and set up in the road in a conspicuous position, such as the highway toll booth above the highway, highway on both sides of the highway, across the highway or the city streets and built, high precision, high brightness, can realize the characteristics of the graphic and text, sound and video synchronous playback, for people to bring a certain degree of visual impact. According to statistics, in recent years, China's outdoor advertising industry to double-digit percentage growth each year, in the total amount of all advertising in the possession of the proportion of the total amount of progress year by year, in which the total annual growth rate of outdoor advertising display media advertising broadcast has been more than 30%, has long been more than the dissemination of the ordinary media rate.

  2、Put in the effect of long, high income

  Outdoor advertising display can play a role in beautifying the city's image, enriching people's spare time, and becoming a showcase window for brand image and city image. Moreover, compared with television advertising and other forms, outdoor advertising display can play city propaganda films and other public welfare content, so it is not easy to be affected by the audience's disgust, the acceptance rate is significantly higher than the traditional television advertising. At the same time, the outdoor advertising display itself has energy-saving and environmentally friendly product characteristics, can support 24-hour uninterrupted playback of all-weather information dissemination needs, and has a waterproof, lightning, seismic and other excellent performance, can adapt to the application of harsh outdoor environments.

  3, outdoor environment geographically advantageous location

  The more densely populated the geographically well-located road, the more outdoor advertising displays are set up on the roadside. For example, the city overpasses, pedestrian bridges, intersections across the road billboards, highway imports and exports, service areas, stations, terminals, airports and other places most of the billboards. The advantage is that these locations are often vehicles and pedestrians deceleration zone, large size, colorful images can create a stronger visual impact. In today's era of information explosion, the use of outdoor advertising display advertising this unique form of realization is often easier to stand out from the overwhelming advertisements, and effectively realize the information communication with the audience, to achieve the purpose of brand image, public information dissemination.

  In summary, is the outdoor advertising display compared to ordinary media have some advantages, especially with the gradual saturation of the first-tier city market, more outdoor advertising display have been stationed in the second and third-tier cities, once again set off the LED display boom.

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