How to solve the problem of LED folding screen with different colors?

  Nowadays, in many places, LED folding screen can bring good visual enjoyment to the audience by virtue of the flexible and versatile scene changes, instantly completing the screen switching, and at the same time displaying clear images, rich content, realistic effects. However, we use LED folding screen in the process, for various reasons, sometimes lead to the emergence of LED folding screen color inconsistency. So you know how to solveLED Folding ScreenIs there a problem with the different colors?The following Vishay Technology editorial is introduced to you:


  The solution to the LED folding screen with different colors:

  1, is to change the current flowing through the LED.

  In general, the LED tube of LED folding screen allows continuous working current of about 20 mA, except for the red LED with saturation phenomenon, other LED brightness is basically proportional to the current flowing.

  2、Using the visual inertia of the human eye, the pulse width modulation method is used to realize the grayscale control.

  We can periodically change the width of the light pulse of the LED folding screen (i.e., duty cycle), as long as the repetition of the light cycle is short enough (i.e., refresh frequency is high enough), the human eye does not feel the light-emitting pixels in the jitter. Because the pulse width modulation of LED folding screen is more suitable for digital control, so, in today's era of widespread use of microcomputers to provide and LED display content, almost all of the LED folding screen is the use of pulse width modulation to control the grayscale level, as a way to solve the problem of LED folding screen color inconsistency.

  To sum up, this is the solution to solve the problem of LED folding screen with inconsistent color. As long as we find the right solution according to, we can naturally solve the problem of LED folding screen with inconsistent color very easily. If you really can't solve it, please contact a professional LED folding screen manufacturer like Vishay Technology for a solution.

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