What are the daily maintenance tips for LED roll-up screens?

  Nowadays, LED roller shutter screen in the display industry has occupied a very important position, it has a very wide range of applications in many industries. However, the LED roller shutter screen is not installed after the completion of the screen, you can rest easy, we also need to do a good job of late maintenance in order to make the LED roller shutter screen to play its own value, better service for the public. So you knowLED roll-up screenWhat are the daily maintenance tips? The following VisiTech editorial is for you:


  Daily maintenance tips for LED roll-up screens:

  1, the requirements of the LED roller shutter screen power supply is stable, and grounding protection is good, do not use in poor natural conditions, especially strong lightning weather. To avoid possible problems encountered, we can choose passive protection and active protection, try to display the screen may cause harm to the items away from the screen, and clean the screen as gently as possible when wiping, the possibility of injury to a small. Turn off the LED roll-up screen first, then turn off the computer.

  2, keep the humidity of the environment in which the LED roll-up screen is used, do not let anything with the nature of moisture into your LED roll-up screen. Adding power to a large full-color display screen that contains humidity will lead to corrosion of the full-color display parts, which in turn will cause damage.

  3, LED roller shutter screen playback should not be a long time in the all-white, all-red, all-green, all-blue and other full-bright screen, so as not to cause excessive current, excessive heat in the power cord, LED lamp damage, affecting the service life of the LED roller shutter screen.

  4, do not arbitrarily disassemble, splicing screen body. LED roll-up screen screen with our users for close relationship, do a good job of cleaning and maintenance work is also very necessary.

  5, LED roller shutter screen surface can be wiped with alcohol, or the use of brushes, vacuum cleaners for dust removal, not directly with a wet cloth.

  6, maintain the humidity of the environment in which the LED roll-up screen is used, do not let anything with the nature of moisture into your LED roll-up screen large screen. Adding power to a full color display large screen containing humidity will cause corrosion of the full color display parts, which in turn will cause permanent damage.

  In summary, it is the daily maintenance skills of LED roller shutter screen. In addition, we should also regularly check whether the LED roller shutter screen is working properly, whether the line is damaged, such as not working to be replaced in a timely manner, the line is damaged to be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. And for the LED roller shutter screen screen internal lines, non-professionals are prohibited from touching, so as not to electrocute, or cause line damage. If there is a problem, please ask the professionals to overhaul.

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