What factors are likely to affect the clarity of LED roll-up screens?

  LED roller shutter screen as a video advertising communication commonly used as a major carrier, for the clarity of the requirements are relatively high. After all, high resolution and high quality advertising images can better present the effect of advertising, more comprehensively promote the visual impact of the masses to achieve a good advertising effect. However, there are many factors that affect the clarity of the LED roll-up screen, we must understand clearly in order to achieve better clarity. Then you knowLED roll-up screenClarity is susceptible to what factors? The following Vishay Technology editorial for your introduction:


  LED roll-up screen clarity is easily affected by the following factors:

  1. Point spacing.

  Decide whether the LED roller shutter screen HD is a very important item is the point spacing, which is a direct impact on the high definition degree of the reason, the smaller the point spacing screen display the more high-definition, and vice versa, the more fuzzy.

  2. Contrast.

  Refers to an image of the dark and light areas from bright white to dark black between the different brightness levels of measurement, the greater the range of difference represents the greater contrast, the smaller the range of difference represents the smaller contrast. Contrast on the visual effect of the impact is very critical, generally speaking, the greater the contrast, the image is more clear and eye-catching, the more vivid colors; and contrast is small, it will make the whole picture is gray. Contrast for dynamic video display effect to be more influential, due to the dynamic image of dark and light conversion is relatively fast, the higher the contrast, the human eye is easier to distinguish such a conversion process.

  3. Gray scale levels.

  In the same brightness level, LED roll-up screen from white to black between the technical processing level, generally speaking the higher the grayscale, the more colorful the display, the picture is also more delicate, easier to show rich details.

  4. Video processor.

  LED roller shutter screen using LED video processor can use cutting-edge algorithms to image poor quality signal modification, the implementation of de-interlacing, edge sharpening, motion compensation and so on a series of processing, to enhance the details of the image, improve the quality of the screen. The use of video processor image scaling processing algorithms to ensure that the video image scaled to a large extent to maintain the clarity of the image and gray level. In addition, the video processor is also required to have a wealth of image adjustment options and adjustment effects on the image brightness, contrast, grayscale processing to ensure that the LED roller shutter screen output soft and clear picture.

  In summary, we can see that the clarity of the LED roller shutter screen is susceptible to point spacing, contrast, gray level, video processor and other four factors, as long as we do a good job in these four areas, I believe that your LED roller shutter screen must be able to have a very good clarity, so that you can pass the high-definition display effect, a better presentation of advertising images.

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