How to calibrate the LED stage screen after rental?

  LED stage screen in the rental, in order to achieve a good display, generally need to be calibrated, so that the LED stage screen lit brightness consistency, color consistency is maintained in a good state. So you knowLED stage screenHow do you make corrections after renting? The following is a small introduction from VisiTech:


  Methods of calibration after LED stage screen rental:

  1、Cleaning LED stage screen::

  Remove the dust and stains on the lamp surface and mask to avoid its effect on the brightness. If you need to replace the mask, please make sure that the color of the mask is the same as before, otherwise the display of the LED stage screen will be affected, especially during the daytime, and it will not be very useful after correction.

  2. Replace the dysfunctional module:

  Part of the light is not bright, more dead lights, scanning is not normal, the overall light is too dark (resistance may not be right), wiring or jack problems affect the display of the LED stage screen. Therefore, we should ensure that the display, scanning, screen is normal, no too dark, often bright, bright and other phenomena can be.

  3. Receiving card upgrade:

  If the receiver card used in the current LED stage screen does not support calibration or the number of bandwidth points is not enough, it needs to be upgraded. As there is a risk of dead card due to the upgrade of the receiver card, customers need to contact the control system company in advance for upgrading and related processing.

  4. Perform calibration acquisition:

  LED stage screen calibration collection needs to be carried out in the environment without wind, rain and fog interference, so customers need to give the calibration schedule according to the local weather conditions, or take relevant methods to ensure that the collection equipment as far as possible in a non-interference environment to collect accurate data, in order to achieve good calibration results.

  In summary, is the LED stage screen rental, the correction method. LED stage screen through the correction can significantly improve the splicing LED stage screen display quality, so that the LED stage screen back to just factory uniform display role, so as to create a better stage effect, give the audience a better visual experience.

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