How to eliminate moire in LED mobile splicing screen?

  We use cell phones or cameras to shoot the content on the LED mobile splicing screen, sometimes in the photo will see the appearance of moire, its moire is a kind of high-frequency interference in digital cameras or scanners and other equipment, light-sensitive components appearing in the stripes, is a kind of high-frequency irregular stripes that will make the picture appear colorful. This phenomenon is not caused by the LED mobile splicing screen itself, but by the camera or cell phone shooting angle and focal length caused. Then you knowLED mobile splicing screenHow do you get rid of mole lines? Here's what VisiTech has to say:


  LED mobile splicing screen to eliminate moiré:

  1、Camera pixel bias technology

  The moire phenomenon is caused by the fact that the image details are smaller than the spacing between each image sensor. And spatial bias as much as possible to improve the CCD camera brightness level resolution. But this method, still can not completely eliminate the phenomenon of LED mobile splicing screen moire, the reason is that the image sensor still exists a certain spatial frequency, can not be continuous into a surface.

 2, optical processing curtain to eliminate moiré

  Through the optical processing of the LED mobile splicing screen, the camera can be almost at any angle, any position, any focal length can be shot without moiré images. Optically processed LED mobile splicing screen, its brightness, color temperature to meet the requirements of TV shooting, there will be no moire interference phenomenon.

 3. Adjusting the camera during shooting

  (1) Change the angle of the camera, as the angle of the camera and the LED mobile splicing screen will lead to moiré, slightly change the angle of the camera (by rotating the camera) can reduce or eliminate moiré.

  (2) focus direction, detailed drawings too clear focus and details can produce moire, a slight change in focus can change the clarity, which in turn helps to eliminate LED mobile splicing screen moire.

  (3) Changing the camera position and changing the angular relationship by moving it left and right or up and down can reduce moiré.

  (4) with software processing, elimination, the final image appears on the LED moving splicing screen moiré. However, the above methods can be applied in some specific occasions, but for television cameras, especially live television programs, there are practical operational problems.

  (5) Change the lens focal length with a different lens or focal length setting.

  In summary, this is the method of eliminating moiré of LED mobile splicing screen. We can effectively eliminate moiré through these three methods, so that the image is clear, soft, realistic colors, especially in close-up shots, the image is not distorted, can give the audience a very good visual experience.

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