What are the precautions for installing LED auto lifting screen?

  In the rapid development of the market economy today, LED automatic lifting screen as an emerging display equipment, with slim and lightweight, high-definition picture quality, automatic lifting, stable operation, does not destroy the original building structure, but also will not block the line of sight and other characteristics, is widely used in conference theaters, advertising exhibitions, cultural and tourism performances, the construction of intelligent cities and other fields, more favored by many industries. Then you know the installationLED automatic lifting screenWhat are the do's and don'ts? The following VisiTech editorial is for you:


  Precautions for installing LED auto lifting screen:

  1, strictly according to the design drawings and other technical information. Professional technicians to issue the appropriate drawings, and through the relevant departments of the audit, shall be required to select the specifications and amount of materials to ensure that the LED automatic lifting screen is safe and reliable.

  2, before the construction of good isolation zone, protective net, safety warning signs, etc., ready to safety protection equipment, from the consciousness, equipment to protect the safety of production. LED automatic lifting screen in the handling of light, do a good job of anti-static measures to ensure that the LED automatic lifting screen is not due to external causes of damage.

  3, the use of lifting facilities to lift the box to the steel frame, according to the box number line by line fixed, after adjustment to complete the fastening, and then the last line of the box in place. Then the box body adjustment, to ensure that the flatness of the LED automatic lifting screen is less than 1mm, after adjustment to complete the fastening.

  4, according to the construction schedule, strict control of operations completed on time. LED automatic lifting screen installation is completed, engineering and technical personnel were on the system of power distribution, system connection, structural safety, insulation, grounding, flatness and other safety and appearance of the quality of self-checking, and then invited the customer and the supervision of the re-inspection, confirmed by the project team leader, the whole system on-site power commissioning.

  To summarize, it is the precautions for installing LED auto lifting screen. If you are not too professional on the LED automatic lifting screen installation, it is recommended to directly to the manufacturer's to complete, to avoid small losses.

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