• How to make the LED rental screen to maintain a higher working stability?

      With the continuous development of the times, cultural and performing arts activities are no longer unique entertainment in first-tier cities, is now spreading to the third and fourth tier cities at a faster rate. LED rental screen is widely used in a variety of cultural and performing arts activities used by the display screen, therefore, in order to protect a variety of performances and other activities carried out smoothly, we need to let the LED rental screen maintenance in a stable working condition. So you know how to make LED rental screen to maintain a higher...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • What are the benefits of using LED rental screens in the performing arts industry?

      I believe we all know that the cultural industry in the performing arts industry is a very important component, especially with the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of living standards and people's demand for spiritual and cultural needs continue to increase, the LED rental screen as a stage activity content presentation tools, in the performing arts industry has become more and more widely used. So you know what are the benefits of using LED rental screen in the performing arts industry? The following Wisers Technology editorial for you: Performing...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • Mobile splicing LED display is not loading properly, how to solve it?

      Nowadays, mobile splicing LED display can present a larger picture, stronger sense of three-dimensional, both indoors and outdoors can present a clear picture and other characteristics, which is widely used by various industries. And we use mobile splicing LED display in the process, sometimes there will be loading is not normal, thus bringing great inconvenience to our use. So you know how to solve the mobile splicing LED display loading is not normal? Next...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • How to prevent static electricity for LED roll-up screen in dry season?

      At present, with the continuous expansion of the LED display market, the application of LED roller shutter screen has become more and more widespread. However, when we use the LED roller shutter screen, especially in the dry season, it is very easy to cause static electricity. This is mainly because the LED roller shutter screen in the actual production process is mainly the human body and the related missing direct and indirect contact, so generate static electricity, therefore, in order to avoid a series of static electricity on the LED roller shutter screen caused by a series of impacts ...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • What protection should be done when installing outdoor advertising displays?

      In the field of outdoor advertising, outdoor advertising display screen has a unique advantage, it is one of the main forms of advertising in the city, has a fairly strong targeted and attention, is an important part of the layout of the modern urban environment construction. However, outdoor advertising display screen as a bearing LED screen, in the installation, must do a good job of related protection work, in order to better ensure its safety. So you know what protection should be done when installing outdoor advertising display...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • How to identify the brightness level of roll-up LED display?

      For roll-up LED display, the more grades the human eye recognizes, the better, naturally, because the displayed image is, after all, for people to see. The more brightness levels the human eye can distinguish, means that the color space of the roll-up LED display is larger, and the potential for displaying rich colors is also larger. So you know how to identify the brightness level of the roll-up LED display? The following Vishay Technology editorial for you: Brightness identification level is the human eye can distinguish the image from the black...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • How to improve the stability of LED rental screen work?

      Nowadays, in some advertising, performances, parties and other areas of frequent use to the LED rental screen, especially stage performances, live events, the use of LED rental screen can allow the audience to have a sense of immersion, the distance between the audience and the actors closer, to achieve a deeper level of communication. However, the LED rental screen often need to move, so it is very high on the stability of the work. So do you know how to improve the stability of the LED rental screen work? Below...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • How to do a good survey before installing an LED rental screen?

      Full of technology LED rental screen, is the current advertising campaign tool, but, because the LED rental screen belongs to the customized products, from the manufacturer of the product design to the user of the product installation will be different, especially the product installation is not standard, the later will appear some display screen failure, such as screen deformation, line short circuit, noise, black spot, blurring, jittering, switch damage and so on. Therefore, before installing the LED rental screen, technicians need to do a good job of installation in advance...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • What are the advantages of folding LED display in advertising?

      In today's era of rapid technological development, outdoor advertising has always been a must for all companies, but the traditional outdoor airbrush advertising is no longer enough to meet the needs of major brand companies, but also caused people's visual aesthetic fatigue. At present, for outdoor advertising, more is through the folding LED display this kind of advertising way, so as to better attract the attention of the passing crowd. So do you know the folding LED display in advertising...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • How is the sharpness adjusted on roll-up LED displays?

      With the rapid development of the information age, roll-up LED display development so far, has become the main carrier of advertising and information broadcasting, there is a large alternative to the projector, DLP, LCD and other equipment, the momentum of the future market mainstream products. However, the roll-up LED display after a long time of use, there will inevitably be a lack of clarity, then you need to adjust the clarity. So how is the roll-up LED display...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024