• What are the advantages of LED stage screen in the visual effect of choreography?

      At present, the LED stage screen as the current stage shaping the atmosphere of the powerful equipment, it is in the culture, entertainment, sports and other industries to get rapid development, especially with a variety of cultural performances, commercial show and leisure and entertainment areas, for the ultimate pursuit of dynamic choreography effect, LED stage screen presented by the creative display has also increasingly become a hotspot in the field of large-screen displays and the competitive focus of the screen enterprises. So you know what advantages LED stage screen has in the visual effect of choreography? Next...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • LED stage screen can add more charm to the stage what?

      Nowadays, as people for the visual aesthetics of the stage has become increasingly high demand, LED stage screen in the major festivals, celebrity concerts, television programs, fashion shows and other stage performances have become more and more widely used, through the different forms of expression with the digital image and the performance of the traditional set did not have the means to create the shape and various types of spatial layout. So you know what charm LED stage screen can add to the stage? The following Vishay Technology...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • What is the production method of steel frame for indoor LED display?

      At present, in many companies, schools and other places, are widely used indoor LED display screen, it has the characteristics of flexibility and versatility, it can arbitrarily display different content according to the situation, timely and accurate dissemination of the required content, can make people's impression become more intuitive. The use of indoor LED display, often need to be used with steel frame. So do you know how to make indoor LED display steel frame? The following Vishay technology small...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • How to connect the LED auto lifting screen with my cell phone?

      At present, we use the LED automatic lifting screen in the process, with a cell phone to connect is a very common choice, it is in the use of cell phone connection, is able to directly play the content of the phone, including images, videos and other content, is very convenient, can show the advantages of the installation is also very large, can provide a good publicity heat and effect. So you know how to connect the LED automatic lift screen with a cell phone? The following Vishay Technology editorial for you to introduce...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • What's wrong with the flickering of the roll-up LED display?

      At present, we in many in the large-scale exhibitions, stage effects, as well as high-end display in the field can see the existence of curtain LED display figure, it has a unique novel structure design, can realize the screen body up and down and left and right along the arbitrary surface changes, to meet the needs of a variety of irregular reality surface. However, in the process of using the roll-up LED display, sometimes there will be a flickering situation, then the roll-up LED display appears to flicker...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • What should be the characteristics of indoor LED display?

      At present, indoor LED display as a kind of LED display, with its own strong visual impact, excellent expressive power, flexible advertising forms and other advantages, and combined with the specific needs of the scene, accurate positioning of the target customers, so that it is in a large number of indoor scenes play a very important role. However, not all indoor LED display is qualified, a good indoor LED display needs to have some characteristics. So do you know the indoor le...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • Indoor LED display screen has what display role?

      At present, in the LED display market, indoor LED display is a very widely used class of large-screen display equipment, we in some restaurants, banks, hospitals, schools, office conference rooms, indoor ballroom, indoor stores, entertainment venues, hotels and resorts and other places, can see its figure. So do you know what indoor LED display has a display role? The following Vishay Technology editorial for you: Indoor LED display has the following...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • What do we need to do before installing LED roll-up screens?

      With the increasing popularity of LED display, LED roll-up screen as one of the popular products in LED display, in the past two years is also a rapid development, its unique and novel structural design, can realize the screen up and down and left and right along any curved surface changes, to meet a variety of irregular reality surface needs. And before we use it, the installation is a work that must be carried out. So you know what work we need to do before installing the LED roller shutter screen? Under...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • Which is better, flexible LED display or traditional LED display?

      As we all know, there are many kinds of LED display, according to its specific function, LED display can be divided into light pole screen, tile screen, grille screen, transparent screen, shaped screen, traffic screen, sports screen, advertising screen, stage LED display, flexible LED display and so on many types. Among them, with the promotion and prosperity of China's cultural undertakings, cultural performances are prevalent, the application of flexible LED display screen demand in greatly increased. Then flexible le...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024
  • Folding LED display shopping tips

      With the folding LED display widely used in many industries, set off a wave of folding LED display purchase boom. However, because many customers for folding LED display really do not understand, so in the purchase, it will inevitably fall into a tangle, then you know what are the tips for buying folding LED display? The following Vishay Technology editorial for you: folding LED display shopping tips: 1,...

    Product Knowledge, Uncategorized January 19, 2024